Thursday, August 21, 2008

Christmas Morning on Loughaderra

I'm trying something new this time, just want to see how the layout will look with the photos large instead. These were taken on my way to my mothers on Christmas morning. I was driving towards the lake and saw a man out with his camera and thought. 'Oh, I wish I brought mine' when it clicked on me that I had. So I stopped the car and began snapping. I love the colours in these.
The sun looked as if it had been trying desperately to break through for a while, the ground was thick with frost so the mist that began to rise off the lake in contrast with the gold from the sun was breathtaking.

If anything this has to be my favourite of the four, the colour from background to foreground is just beautiful with the birds in the air as well as on the water. People have nicknamed Loughaderra in East Cork, Swan Lake for years. With good reason. It's also widely known for its fishing. Needless to say I took a bit longer than I thought getting to Mom's on Christmas morning.


Peggy said... thats why you were late for breakfast on Christmas morning. Everything comes out in the wash!

A Colorful World said...

These pictures are absolutely stunning! Really gorgeous shots! I love your blog! Oh, so you are Peggy's daughter--she must be proud, because you are quite talented!